Digital Dementia: Your Brain on AI (And Why Mine's Already Shot)

Dec. 19, 2024

Listen up, you digital dreamers and code cowboys. I just crawled out of bed at noon, nursing the kind of hangover that makes me wish I had an AI to do my thinking for me. Perfect timing too, because there’s this fancy new study making the rounds about how artificial intelligence is turning our brains into mush.

Here’s the deal: apparently, we’re all getting dumber thanks to our new robot overlords. And the real kick in the teeth? We’re paying good money for the privilege.

Remember calculators? Those innocent little devices that helped us avoid multiplication tables? They were like training wheels for our math-challenged minds. But AI? That’s like strapping a jet engine to your bicycle and wondering why you forgot how to pedal.

The eggheads in white coats are wringing their hands about students using ChatGPT for their homework. According to some study I read through bleary eyes, kids who let AI do their heavy lifting end up with the critical thinking skills of a hungover bar fly - and trust me, I know what I’m talking about here.

But here’s what really gets me: we’re not just talking about lazy students anymore. Professionals - supposed adults with mortgages and everything - are outsourcing their thinking to algorithms. Can’t write an email without AI? Buddy, that’s not “productivity enhancement,” that’s intellectual surrender. It’s like having a ghostwriter for your grocery lists.

You want to know the really screwed up part? The suits upstairs love this stuff. Why? Because when everyone’s letting machines do their thinking, nobody questions the company Kool-Aid. It’s genius, really. Evil genius, but genius nonetheless.

And the kicker? We’re doing this voluntarily. At least when I kill brain cells the old-fashioned way, I get to enjoy the process. These tech-addled masses are getting dumber while staying painfully sober. Where’s the fun in that?

The fancy report talks about “cognitive implications in the workplace.” Let me translate that from corporate-speak: we’re turning into high-functioning zombies who can’t remember how to brainstorm without asking a computer for permission. Hell, I’ve seen people use AI to write birthday cards. Birthday cards! What’s next, outsourcing our bar stories to ChatGPT?

They say the solution is “using AI as a tool to augment human abilities.” Sure, and I’m using this bourbon to augment my personality. At least I’m honest about my crutches.

Look, I’m not saying we should throw our computers out the window (though I’ve been tempted, especially during those 3 AM blue screen moments). But maybe - and I know this is crazy talk - we should try using our own brains once in a while. You know, for novelty’s sake.

The report ends with some feel-good bullshit about “maintaining a careful balance.” Right. Because we humans are so good at moderation. Just ask my liver about balanced approaches.

Here’s my take: AI isn’t making us stupid - it’s just making it easier to avoid thinking. And in a world where thinking has become optional, being drunk might actually give you an edge. At least alcohol-induced bad decisions come with interesting stories.

So here’s to human stupidity - the old-fashioned, organic, free-range kind. Because if we’re going to watch our cognitive skills circle the drain, we might as well do it with style.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, my bourbon needs attention, and unlike ChatGPT, it doesn’t give me error messages when I try to access it.

Catch you on the flip side, Henry “Still Thinks For Himself” Chinaski

P.S. - If you found any typos in this post, blame my hangover, not AI. At least human errors come with character.

#AI #HumanIntelligence #DrinkingThoughts #TechnologyCommentary #WastedWetware

Source: The Dark Side Of AI: Tracking The Decline Of Human Cognitive Skills

Tags: ai ethics humanainteraction futureofwork digitalethics