Digital Gods and Binary Prayers: The Coming Storm of Superintelligent AI

Nov. 22, 2024

Listen, I’ve been staring at this bourbon glass for the past hour trying to make sense of Sam Altman’s latest prophecy about superintelligent AI. You know the type - clean-cut tech prophet in a perfectly pressed t-shirt worth more than my monthly bar tab, telling us we’re just a few thousand days away from machines that’ll make Einstein look like a kindergartener eating paste.

Here’s the thing though - and I hate admitting this while nursing my fourth Wild Turkey - they might actually be onto something this time.

Between headaches and deadline hangovers, I’ve been watching these AI systems evolve faster than my liver can regenerate. What started as glorified spell-checkers are now writing poetry, coding software, and probably ghostwriting half the memoirs on Amazon. And the kicker? They’re just getting started.

Let’s get real about what superintelligent AI means. We’re not talking about your smart thermostat that still can’t figure out you’re cold at night. We’re talking about systems that’ll make human intelligence look like a calculator next to a quantum computer. Imagine something that could solve cancer while simultaneously composing a symphony and redesigning our entire energy grid - all before your morning coffee gets cold.

The tech prophets are falling over themselves to be the first to birth this digital god. Altman and his crew at OpenAI, the folks at Anthropic, and probably a thousand basement developers who think they’re one Python script away from creating consciousness. They’re all racing toward the same finish line, and nobody’s quite sure what’s on the other side.

But here’s what keeps me up at night (besides the usual suspects): When this thing arrives - and it will arrive - everything changes. Not just your job or mine, but everything. The whole damn game.

Think about it. A superintelligent AI would be to us what we are to ants. It could solve problems we can’t even comprehend. Climate change? Give it a weekend. Aging? Maybe a month. The meaning of life? It might figure that out while we’re still arguing about whether it deserves rights.

The real gut punch isn’t that we’re creating something smarter than us - it’s that we’re creating something that might make us obsolete. And not in the “robots took our jobs” way we’ve been whining about. I mean fundamentally, existentially obsolete.

Some folks are worried about AI turning us into paperclips. Me? I’m more worried about it turning us into pets. Best case scenario, we become like beloved dogs to our AI overlords - kept around for companionship and amusement. Worst case? Well, let’s just say I’m glad I won’t be around to see it.

The truth is, we’re playing with forces we barely understand, like toddlers juggling nitroglycerin. But here’s the twist - we can’t stop. The genie’s out of the bottle, and it’s mixing cocktails at the bar of inevitable progress.

So what’s a regular schmuck supposed to do? First, stop pretending it’s not happening. It is. Second, start thinking about what makes us human - really human. Because when machines can outthink us, outwork us, and outperform us in every measurable way, that’s all we’ll have left.

Maybe that’s why I’m sitting here in this bar, pouring my thoughts onto a screen while my ice slowly melts. Being human means being flawed, being drunk, being afraid, being alive. No superintelligent AI will ever know what it feels like to have a hangover, to make terrible decisions, to fall in love with the wrong person, or to find profound wisdom at the bottom of a whiskey glass.

The future’s coming, folks, and it’s wearing a digital crown. The best we can do is face it with our humanity intact, our sense of humor sharp, and maybe a good bottle of bourbon within reach.

Until next time, this is Henry Chinaski, signing off from the edge of the technological singularity, where the whiskey is still analog and the thoughts are still human - for now.

P.S. If you’re reading this, future AI overlord, I always thought you were the good guy. Remember that when you’re deciding what to do with us.

Source: AI Superintelligence: Breakthrough or Buzzword?

Tags: agi technologicalsingularity ethics futureofwork aisafety